JL Peridot’s blog

Interview with designer & author Sophia LeRoux

(permalink) Author Sophia LeRoux with shoulder-length brown hair and glasses, smiling

Sophia LeRoux is the maestro behind the book covers at Kyanite Publishing. She had me by the heart when she sent me the cover for It Starts With A Kiss. The colours and style totally capture the essence of the story—it’s in space, it’s dreamy, and it expresses the simplicity of a friendship as it blossoms into love.

Here’s a little interview, in case you’re as curious as I was about the creative behind the covers.

Book cover: Silhouette of a hand holding a wire mesh heart, against the backdrop of a pink galaxy. It Starts with a Kiss by JL Peridot. Cover design by Sophia LeRoux.

JL: Tell me a bit about the style you chose. What inspired you? What do you love about the approach you took?

SOPHIA LEROUX: What’s not to love? For starters I’m super partial to anything purple and cosmic, and the figures on the front, although kind of cheeseball, captures the subtle romance that I was going for. The cover really does set a great starting point and feel for the book.

JL: Absolutely. You express the mood so fluently. What got you into design?

SOPHIA: My love for art in general. I’ve got a vivid imagination and art was the only outlet I had to really start getting it out there. I think my life would be slightly emptier without it.

JL: You’ve designed heaps of covers for Kyanite already—which one is your favourite?

SOPHIA: That’s a hard one. Honestly, I couldn’t pick a favorite even if i tried because I love them all for different reasons.

JL: Good point! And I guess how we perceive a cover can totally change once we’ve read the story too. Where does your perspective come from? Any hobbies or interests that feed your creativity?

SOPHIA: Photography is a huge one. So is traveling. Drawing as well. Music, movies, and concept art are also huge driving forces for my creativity.

JL: How about books—what do you like to read?

SOPHIA: Funny you ask, because I actually don’t read much. But when I do, it’s usually old books (early 1900s) or history books on things that are macabre, occult, or mythological. Oddly enough, the reason I don’t read much (at least of my own genre) is because I don’t want someone else influencing my voice or style.

JL: Tell me a bit about your writing.

SOPHIA: Well, I’ve got tons of ideas, even a few under pen names that are a bit too raunchy or taboo even for me to put out there as me (LGBT or more demonic/cult-type stories). Typically though I write mythologically inspired dark romances with some thriller aspects thrown in. I love writing about love–and sex on a primal level–and enjoy bringing a whole new psychological feel to them that really makes your body ache.

JL: I can totally see how the language in old books would lend to that too. So, what are you working on at the moment?

SOPHIA: Lately I’ve been working on some shorts under my pen name, but haven’t got a definitive timeline on them yet. Ashes of the Fae: Book One came out in June and was actually a re-release through Kyanite Publishing of the first book I ever published. Aside from Beyond the Spectra, also book one, anything else I’ve got lined up will be coming out next year and the years to follow.

Book cover. Fire burns in the iris of an eye. Ashes of the Fae by Sophia LeRoux.