JL Peridot’s blog

Interview with Handmade Gems


An assistant, a crafter, an essential oils boffin and a mum, Handmade Gems creator Gemma Sismey must surely be a time wizard to fit all of these things into her day.

But no, she tells me. She’s just got a knack for planning and an insatiable love for her passion projects. Her lovely handmade work is included in the It Starts with a Kiss giveaway prize bundle. Read on to learn more about this clever lady and her craft.

JL: Tell me a bit about yourself and what led to the creation of Handmade Gems.

GEMMA SISMEY: I have always done arty and crafty things, at school, college and uni, whilst it isn’t (yet) my full time job, that’s the dream. I have a very busy desk job for my 9–5, so I guess I feel the pull to do something creative with my spare time. When I became a mum it gave me something to do that was mine during the few nap times there were. I also loved the idea of my son wearing things I’d made and a hand made gift for others always means so much more.

JL: Where do you get inspiration from?

GEMMA: Whilst I try to cater what I make to appeal to as wide a range of people as I can, I love very natural and classic looks, a bit of old English country style which is a product of my Dorset upbringing no doubt! I love florals, wood, animals and nature prints. I’m an avid pinterester and use my train journeys to check out new ideas.

JL: What does a typical day in your creative life look like?

GEMMA: I’m a natural over organiser and planner (hence the day job of being an assistant) but it means I spend a lot of time thinking through what I want to make, what the end product would look like, etc.—likely also because I don’t get a lot of time to myself, I have to get right to business when I do!

JL: Tell us a bit about your obsession with essential oils. And what does your home smell like right this second?

GEMMA: I first came across essential oils about three years ago. I wasn’t in the best place emotionally following the birth of our son and a good friend introduced me! 😊 I have grown my collection over the years and now myself and my family use them daily to support our general well-being. I literally couldn’t be without them now!

My favourites for diffusing during the day are citrus oils as they are very uplifting, wild orange, tangerine. Otherwise lavender and vetiver at night to help us sleep.

JL: What’s your all-time favourite love story?

GEMMA: I absolutely love the classics. Pride and Prejudice and The Importance of Being Ernest are my faves… Does Dirty Dancing also count?

(I reckon it does.)

Learn more about Handmade Gems at their website.