JL Peridot’s blog

I'm getting published!


I’m so excited. I signed a contract with a publisher earlier this week. My futuristic thriller novel will see the light of day at some point later this year.

My friends have been incredibly supportive. From beta reading the manuscript to going out of their way to try a genre they wouldn’t normally touch, to reviewing my flash fiction, nudging me about a newsletter, and even asking to include my work in their monthly book club. I’m so grateful, I could cry.

I haven’t cried yet. It all feels so surreal and, I admit, there’s a cynical and insecure part of me that’s bracing for something going wrong. It’s seriously making me reflect on my attitude. I know when it comes to writing, fear has caused me to hesitate a lot over the years. I don’t want that to be the theme of my whole life.

When I was younger, I used to write a heap of fiction. That was back when you could still be anonymous online. I could be a different person. Writing and sharing with people who know me in real life is completely different. It makes me nervous.

So, sharing my work like this lately has been a big step. I guess even if something does go wrong, I feel relieved to have made it here. I feel inspired to work hard and keep going.

Thank you to everyone who’s supported me so far — even though I haven’t told most of you that I have a blog haha. Whenever it is you find this post, know that I love you. 🙂

Update 19/07/2017: I have signed a contract with Siren-Bookstrand, written blurbs and summaries, and hoped to high heaven that someone will tell me if I’ve done a crap job! I still kind of can’t believe it and am trying hard to keep my fears and doubts at bay. I really hope you guys enjoy my first novel. Will share more as things progress.