JL Peridot’s blog

Gamedev diary: Slowly returning to this project


It's been a long while, but my mind is slowly returning to gamedev pursuits. Having recently finished Beauty and the Beast: Hidden Object Fairy Tale, I realise where I was going wrong with my original attempt at Project H, and why my approach made the project stall in the research and drafting stages.

To start off with, while I'm still new at this stuff, it's probably too much to expect to tell a big story integrated with sophisticated artwork. Best to aim small, focus on the basics, just try to have a little fun. Sorry, eighty-percent-finished urban fantasy script, looks like you won't see the light of day until I learn to tell your story properly.

Other than researching and cogitating, there's not a lot I can do on Project H while there's still so much to prep for Yet We Sleep, We Dream. But that's fine — little by little, one step at a time, we'll get there.

By the way, there'll be an intimate cover reveal for Yet We Sleep, We Dream in Dot Club and on this blog in a few days, which is the point where I'm feeling this novel is actually real — really, really real.