What I’m doing now

Until We Met Again

My slightly surreal sci-fi time travel romance novelette is on its way! I’m nervous and excited about this one. A lot of new learnings went into it, plus an unusual process I plan to tell you more about in the months to come.

Official release details will be announced in Dot Club soon.

Project Orellia

I am currently 25% of the way through the series. Writing continues, albeit slowly while IRL stuff divides my attention.

Recovering from COVID

Yeah, I got sick. The day N tested negative, I pulled a positive test. It was a yucky few days, but a good excuse to eliminate the non-essential. Now that I'm on the mend, I might see how many of those non-essentials I can keep at bay. Writer’s gotta write!

Other things...

Who am I? 👩🏻‍💻

Hey there, I'm JL. I write love letters to the future most often in the form of novels, novellas and other types of fiction. If you're curious, you can check out my books and stories, and keep up with my work via Dot Club (my slow, low-noise email newsletter).

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