O, swear not by the moon

Science fiction, romance novelette
12,500 words
Published by Fedowar Press
Star Crossed is an anthology of romantic science fiction inspired by a common theme of space, imagination, and connection. It features my short story O, swear not by the moon—the tale of Tanith, Faruk and a neurally entangled love that crosses the boundary between worlds.
Edited by Renée Gendron. Cover by JL Peridot. Published by Fedowar Press.
Cover art by JL Peridot
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A subroutine pours a drink for Roxy. Tanith studies the particle trajectories as fluid swirls inside the glass. So realistic—the latest patch to the Garden has all but eliminated the uncanny valley that reminds her she belongs to a different world.
“Do you want one?” Roxy gestures too wildly and splashes wine onto Tanith’s lap. The stain blossoms perfectly with every millisecond. Its algorithm is magnificent. “I’m sorry, I’m not used to the new physics.”
Tanith smiles at her cousin. “Don’t worry about it. I don’t feel a thing.”
“Oh, really? Hmm, maybe they’ll release the haptics in the next update. Still impressive, though.”
The subroutine chirps. Cleaning will be forty credits.
Tanith smirks. “But of course the developers completed this feature.”
“I’ll pay. It’s my fault.”
“Don’t worry about it. It matches my hair tonight.”
“No, this is happening. We can’t have you looking shabby with you-know-who over there.”
The subroutine rolls away and Tanith looks to the entrance of the virtual playground. He has arrived.
He calls himself “Faruk.” Tonight, he wears green eyes and well-groomed eyebrows with a pair of slits cut into the outer crest on the left side. And last week, when he kissed her, Tanith could have sworn the Garden haptics had already been released.